[QGIS-Developer] Plugin logo

2019-02-11 Thread Hauer Lukas
Hello! I'm trying to change the icon of my python plugin ... but it only changes in Plugin Manager, but the icon gets invisible in the qgis toolbar. First I copied a new png file to the root of my plugin directory (traktor.png). I changed the icon_path variable in my .py file from icon_path =

[QGIS-Developer] Switch Layer CRS

2018-08-13 Thread Hauer Lukas
Hi! I want to load three layers into qgis (2.18) via python. 1 Vector Layer (boundary of my farm / fields) 2 Raster Layer ( band4 and band8 from sentinel satellite) Additionally I want to switch them to the same crs (4326). But if I do this, the field boundaries are not visible as overlay on

[QGIS-Developer] Wrong Output GetRasterband

2018-07-23 Thread Hauer Lukas
Hello! I want to output the min and max of my layer properties via a python script. If I check it manually they are "Min 0.250754" and "Max 0.726268". [cid:image001.png@01D42279.12D3E1D0] But my output via the python console is something completely different. With the GetMinimum method I

[QGIS-Developer] QGis 2.18 - Change ClassificationMode

2018-07-05 Thread Hauer Lukas
Hi! I'm using QGIS Version 2.18 and I try to change the classification mode via python from "Continuous" to "Equal interval". I found out there is "setClassificationMode" for version 3. Is there anyhow a possibility to change this in version 2.18 ? Mfg Lukas

[QGIS-Developer] QgsRasterCalculator no output file

2018-06-29 Thread Hauer Lukas
Hi! I have 3 layers in my qgis project. The first is called correct_crs(vektor), second and third are satellite images (raster) from sentinel band 4 and band 8. I want to calculate with these pictures the ndvi via python in a script. I produced following code - - > https://pastebin.com/dpLK6DnW

[QGIS-Developer] WG: QGIS - Layer Properties Change

2018-06-15 Thread Hauer Lukas
Hello! I have a question, maybe you have time to answer :) I need to automate as much as possible with python in QGIS. First I want to switch the coordinate system of a layer, for example to WGS84. I can't find any way to do this. Maybe you can help me with an hint, or if it is even possible