
I’m developing general purpose plugin for QGIS 3.4+ , which is refactored well known plugins Numerical Digitize and Vertex Editor for QGIS 2.X.

The following functionality is currently implemented:
1. You can create new feature by entering coordinates of vertices from keyboard or clipboard (you can copy table data, contained coordinates, from tables of text documents, electronic spreadsheet, OCR programs or other programs and then paste it into table of plugin dialog for create feature). 2. In process of creating feature you can adding and removing parts for multipart features and rings for polygons. 3. You can add and remove rows in table of coordinates of plugin dialog for remove vertices or insert new vertices in any part of feature. 4. You can swap values of X and Y coordinates (It’s need sometimes for some projections). 5. You can reproject coordinates in place from one CRS to other CRS. (It’s may be useful when feature is created in incorrect projection). 6. You can edit existing feature same as creating feature. It’s replacement of  ‘Vertex Editor’,  but you can edit not one vertex, but all vertices of feature. Functionality specified in points 2 - 5 is implemented for editing existing feature. You can copy coordinates of vertices (all or some) into clipboard and then insert it as table into text document, electronic spreadsheet or other place for creating reports with coordinates of object or for other purposes.

In addition:
1. Plugin supports vector layers with Z and M values.
2. When creating or editing feature changes are displayed on canvas (used QgsRubberBand).

And now my questions:
1. Since it is a general purpose plugin, some stated above functionality may be released  in core interface of QGIS, but not in plugin. Is planned to include some functionality stated above in feature releases of QGIS?  If I continue to support and develop plugin, I don't want to do double work.
2. It makes sense to place plugin into QGIS 3.4 plugin repository?

If you want to see how plugin works, you can download it from https://github.com/desertwolf7/numericalDigitize3/releases and install plugin as zip archive. Help is situated in 'Main menu' -> 'Vector' -> 'Numerical digitize' -> 'Help'

Best regards
Igor Chumichev

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