
I could not find the current signing key for QGIS repos on any
keyserver, could someone upload it or name a server having it already?
Or are keyservers not the way to distribute it?

OK, found it on the server, this worked fine:

wget -qO - https://qgis.org/downloads/qgis-2022.gpg.key | sudo gpg
--no-default-keyring --keyring
gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/qgis-archive.gpg --import
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/qgis-archive.gpg

Documentation update would be wonderful (change the year) on

Yay, this key is valid until 2027 [expires: 2027-08-08].

Error encountered during upgrade was like

apt update

> Err:11 https://ubuntugis.qgis.org/ubuntugis focal InRelease
>   The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key
is not available: NO_PUBKEY D155B8E6A419C5BE

apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys D155B8E6A419C5BE

> Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.ChQSJu3epZ/gpg.1.sh --keyserver
keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys D155B8E6A419C5BE
> gpg: keyserver receive failed: No data

The old one is about to expire:

> pub   rsa4096 2021-08-09 [SCEA] [expires: 2022-08-09]
>      2445 D6B2 54DA C452 A498  989E 46B5 721D BBD2 996A
> uid           [ unknown] QGIS Archive Automatic Signing Key (2021)

Thank you so much for all your efforts
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