An easy way to do so is to add the path to the QGIS python packages in a 
PYTHONPATH env variable and the packages will be reachable from your virtual 

Another (better) to do so would be having QGIS package packaged as 
pip/setuptools package so that they can be installed in any virtualenv - 
assuming that qgis libraires are already installed on
your platform.

This work well on Linux/OSX since QGis can rely on the python installed on your 
platform. On windows, this can be painful because of the way python interpreter 
is packaged, but I know very 
little about Qgis on Windows) .


> Le 22 déc. 2017 à 11:07, Olivier Dalang <> a écrit :
> Hi !
> I always have trouble when I need to use QGIS/OSGeo's python environment from 
> outside of QGIS (e.g. setting up an IDE, running some custom scripts that 
> need access to the same libraries than QGIS, etc...). Suggested solutions are 
> to create some batch file, but I never really manage to make this work in a 
> reasonable amount of time.
> This contrasts very much with my experience with virtualenv (in non QGIS 
> related python work), where switching from one python environment to another 
> is extremely straightforward (source path_to_venv/bin/activate on linux or 
> path_to_venv\Scripts\activate.bat on windows). With those commands, 
> everything works : python, pip, all libraries, etc... I think most python 
> IDEs support virtualenvs.
> I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but would it be possible to have 
> QGIS/OSGeo's python environment configured as a virtual environment ?
> Thanks !
> Olivier
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