I know there's been a lot of inter-project cooperation to fix
projection-related bugs lately, and that the point release was delayed to
coordinate QGIS, GDAL, and PROJ patches.


What GDAL and PROJ versions *should* one have with the normal-stream 3.10.2
release (i.e. not 3.4.X LTR nor weekly 3.11 build)?


I installed 3.10.2 (OSGeo4W installer) over the weekend, and I'm running
into a bunch of issues (zoom crashes -
https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/33902; corrupted output from
georeferencer, custom CRS that has lost its USER:xxxxx label). Before I try
to pick them off one by one, is it possible the right dependencies didn't
make it into the install?


My About. screen says I have GDAL 3.0.2 and PROJ "6.2.1 dated Nov 1", which
makes me suspicious.


Thanks, Martin



Martin Pergler

 <mailto:m...@pergler.org> m...@pergler.org


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