You read my mind I'm already trying to do that. ;)
Thanks to all.
2010/11/10 Pirmin Kalberer
> Hi,
> OpenLayers supports ArcGIS REST services. So it needs only a few lines of
> Javascript and Python to add ArcGIS REST support to the OpenLayers plugin.
> Regards
> Pirmin
> Am Mittwoch, 10.
OpenLayers supports ArcGIS REST services. So it needs only a few lines of
Javascript and Python to add ArcGIS REST support to the OpenLayers plugin.
Am Mittwoch, 10. November 2010, um 12.14:35 schrieb Aigars V:
> Hi.
> Is there a possibility to add ArcGIS REST services (ArcG
Is there a possibility to add ArcGIS REST services (ArcGIS Map service) to
There is a plugin - QGISRest (with lack of some documentation), but it
looks that it works only to list info about this service but not to add any
data ?
Any suggestions ?? Thanks.
As you know rest services are generics, and the semantics of arcgis
server rest services responses must be known to parse them. The rest
plugin, as far as I see, are generics too. You can easily query an
arcgis service (i.e. rest/services/your_service/MapServer?f=pjson) and
you simply receive t
I've given a look to the qgisrest plugin. When a text/plain response
is given it tries to parse it as GeoJSON. Arcgis doesn't follow this
standard, that's why you won't be able to use the returned object.
Anyway, you could easily add support for it, implementing your own
Format for qgisrest [1]