Il 06/03/2017 15:33, kimaidou ha scritto:
> Can anyone else test and report there is no pbm ? Paolo, could you give
> more information on QGIS Version / Platform and status of project file (
> new not saved, saved, etc.)
Thanks Michaƫl for following this up.
QGIS both 2.14 and 2.18, latest version
Hi Paolo,
As you tested, this is not related to Lizmap plugin, because you told me
you tested the following python code inside your Python console and got the
same error
p = QgsProject.instance()
if p.isDirty():
Can anyone else test and report there is no pbm ? Paolo, could you gi
Hi all,
while using the latest version of Lizmap plugin, I get an error on some
2017-03-01T16:50:09 1 Traceback (most recent call last):
"/home/paolo/.qgis2/python/plugins/lizmap/", line
2718, in run
if not