[Qgis-user] Looking QGIS expert

2016-03-21 Per discussione Dr . Rodríguez-Vargas , A .
Dear Qgis users: I am biologist working in nature conservation issues, and I want to promote QGIS use in professional terms in my university (Autonomous University of Chiriqui, Chiriqui Province, Panama). I am looking an expert in QGIS, enabled for to do a seminar for one or two months. If

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Statistiche dati raster su poligoni di un vettoriale

2016-03-21 Per discussione Gabriela Osaci Costache
Ciao Lorenzo, ma perché non usi OpenOffice o LibreOffice? In Excel 2007 e 2010: File - Opzioni - Impostazioni avanzate - Utilizza separatori di sistema - Separatore decimale / Separatore delle migliaia. Spero esserti stata d'aiuto. Saluti,Gabriela Da: matteo A:

Re: [Qgis-user] Atlas: Filter Empty Pages

2016-03-21 Per discussione Andreas Neumann
Hi Albin, You can do this dynamically. The Atlas filter also accepts geometry relationship functions. Have a look at the QGIS expression editor. You can try with the intersects / within / overlaps tests and test $geometry against @atlas_geometry. Your filter could look like: within(

Re: [Qgis-user] Atlas: Filter Empty Pages

2016-03-21 Per discussione Andreas Neumann
hm - actually, I was wrong. It is not so easy to filter dynamically - as $geometry equals @atlas_geometry and you don't have a relation with the points. My next try would be to use a "Virtual Layer" and add a spatial relationship between your atlas coverage layer (the grid) and a column

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Statistiche dati raster su poligoni di un vettoriale

2016-03-21 Per discussione matteo
Ciao Lorenzo, il plugin già preinstallato Statistiche Zonali (lo trovi anche in processing) dovrebbe fare al caso tuo. Saluti Matteo ___ QGIS-it-user mailing list QGIS-it-user@lists.osgeo.org http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-it-user

[QGIS-it-user] Statistiche dati raster su poligoni di un vettoriale

2016-03-21 Per discussione Lorenzo Fusco
Buongiorno, avrei bisogno di elaborare dei calcoli su un modello digitale del terreno in modo da avere, per ogni poligono di un layer vettoriale, alcuni parametri delle quote quali, almeno: max; min; media. Mi sapete indicare quale sia lo strumento adatto per favore? Grazie -- View this message

Re: [Qgis-user] Atlas: Filter Empty Pages

2016-03-21 Per discussione Joris Hintjens
Use Spatial Query to select the non-empty elements. 1) Give the non-empty elements a new property (with table editor) (1 as opposed to 0 for the empty ones) 2) Or save the selected elements as a new layer if 1) then filter these elements in the filter option in the atlas configuration hope it

Re: [Qgis-user] Atlas: Filter Empty Pages

2016-03-21 Per discussione Albin Blaschka
Am 21.03.2016 um 14:20 schrieb Bernd Vogelgesang: sounds maybe to easy, but why don't you just make a spatial query on your coverage grid to select and save those elements which do have points inside (Grid Layer Contains Points Layer e.g.) and then use that new coverage layer to produce your

Re: [Qgis-user] Atlas: Filter Empty Pages

2016-03-21 Per discussione Uwe Fischer
Hello Albin, you need to filter out the empty elements (grid cells) in the coverage layer (those ones that have no overlap to the points). After that you can swap the selection set to get the non-empty grid cells that are to be printed and give those (as memory layer if no repeated use) to the

Re: [Qgis-user] Atlas: Filter Empty Pages

2016-03-21 Per discussione Bernd Vogelgesang
Hi Albin, sounds maybe to easy, but why don't you just make a spatial query on your coverage grid to select and save those elements which do have points inside (Grid Layer Contains Points Layer e.g.) and then use that new coverage layer to produce your Atlas? Or do you search for a more

[Qgis-user] Atlas: Filter Empty Pages

2016-03-21 Per discussione Albin Blaschka
Hello List! I am starting to use the Atlas feature for the first time and had the following problem: I have a coverage-layer (a vector grid) and a point layer (collection sites). At the moment, there are grid cells in which no site (point) is located. My problem is: I would like to filter

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Fwd: Shape to Kml

2016-03-21 Per discussione skampus
Emanuele Di Fini wrote > GDAL command: > > cmd.exe /C ogr2ogr.exe -f KML "\"O:/TPL/Percorsi/Lam Arancio 200/00-14 dal > 12 Maggio 2014/020001.kml\"" "O:/TPL/Percorsi/Lam Arancio 200/00-14 dal 12 > Maggio 2014/3200_ID MTRAM__020001.dbf" "3200_ID MTRAM__020001" non capisco perchè ci sia nella riga

Re: [Qgis-user] DB Manager geometry problems

2016-03-21 Per discussione Chris Buckmaster
Thanks Karl-Magnus – for some reason I thought they already had privileges but they didn’t, thanks again! Chris From: Karl-Magnus Jönsson [mailto:karl-magnus.jons...@kristianstad.se] Sent: 21 March 2016 06:27 To: Chris Buckmaster; qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org Subject: SV: DB Manager geometry

Re: [QGIS-it-user] Da QGIS a LeafletJS

2016-03-21 Per discussione nino formica
Ciao Andrea, per quanto riguarda l'errore con il plugin qgis2leaf,in pratica si manifesta sempre (almeno con le prove fatte da me fin ora) quando nell'opzione "extent" scelgo "layer extent". Invece funziona correttamente se scelgo "canvas extent". Per quanto riguarda invece l'errore con

[Qgis-user] Fwd: processing toolbar problems

2016-03-21 Per discussione Azzurra Lentini
Hello to all, Every time I open QGIS Essen 2.14 I get an error message telling me that: PROCESSING will be disabled because it crashed QGIS during last startup. Please report an issue and re-enable the plugin when the problem has been solved. I tried from PLUGINS: MANAGE and INSTALL PLUGINS

Re: [Qgis-user] DB Manager geometry problems

2016-03-21 Per discussione Karl-Magnus Jönsson
Hi Chris Appears that the user can’t access the view geometry_columns in the public schema. The information is accessed from there. Grant select privileges. Karl-Magnus Jönsson │GIS-utvecklare Miljö- och samhällsbyggnadsförvaltningen, avd. Geografisk information Kristianstads kommun 291 80