[Qgis-user] Printing Qgis shown layers in new version

2023-12-08 Per discussione Asim al-sofi via QGIS-User
Hi All, I have a question related to printing out the shown layers in qgis. I made a plugin that has worked fine in the older Qgis versions but not working properly in the new version. The problem that iam facing is that the *QgsProject.instance().mapLayers().values() *does not show me the layers

[Qgis-user] Getting the gml cooridnates from xml

2022-11-24 Per discussione Asim al-sofi via Qgis-user
Hi all, I would like to extract gml coordinates given in an xml file using Python. I have used the following but what I get is the coordinates as a string. *for q in root:for p in q.iter():if 'posList'in str(p.tag): objects.append(q)* Is it possible to get the coordinates as