
I just started using Q-Gis and I have problems with using the color maps for my 
raster layers.
I have a huge amount of ASCI grid raster files (elevation data from Danmark) 
and I try to open as much files/layers as possible at once. It seems like per 
default the chosen color map is greyscale. I would like to open my files in a 
customer defined colormap. I would also like to define the customer color map 
in a different way then it is default. Because I have a huge amount of files it 
is very unconvenient to open the properties for each layer.

Now my question is comming d:o)
Is there any possibility to define these settings for all raster layers at 
once? So that I don't have to klick 9000 times for having the same colours in 
all my layers?

Thanks a lot for helping and best regards from sunny Danmark,

Brigitte Rosenkranz
Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen
National Survey and Cadastre
Rentemestervej 8
DK-2400 København NV
Dir. tlf. +45 72 54 5203
Tlf. (+45) 72 54 50 00
Fax. (+45) 72 54 50 51

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