Hello everyone,

I am a new user of GIS software and I am currently facing an issue with the
GRASS7 tool r.water.outlet. I precise that I am beginning with both Linux
and GIS. I use Ubuntu 14.04 with QGIS 2.14.2 and GRASS7.0.3. 

I downloaded and installed the software by following the instructions of the
official QGIS webpage:


I use GRASS7 r.watershed to create a "Drainage" raster that I use as an
input for r.water.outlet. The second input is coordinate of vectorial points
I want to delineate my basins (it could be even better if I could use
several points to do so because I need 5 different basins).

This is my r.water.outlet interface:


First things I noticed: I can't enter decimal numbers, so I lose accuracy
regarding to my points, and the interface is different from the one in the
second image for the tool r.water.outlet regarding the inputs for my version
of QGIS.


Then when I run the process (In my QGIS 2.14.2, the processing plugin
version is 2.12.2), I obtain the log:

[code]Démarrage de l'algorithme r.water.outlet - Watershed basin creation
program. ... g.proj -c proj4="+proj=lcc +lat_1=44.1 +lat_0=44.1
+lon_0=2.337229166666667 +k_0=0.999877499 +x_0=600000 +y_0=3200000
+a=6378249.2 +b=6356514.999904194 +units=m +no_defs" r.external
band=1 output=tmp1462467882073 --overwrite -o g.region -a n=1959000.0
s=1843500.0 e=1038600.0 w=923100.0 res=300 r.water.outlet
input=tmp1462467882073 easting="989927" northing="1891138"
output=output881924edb38d42189f35bcf5166a0da3 --overwrite g.region
raster=output881924edb38d42189f35bcf5166a0da3 r.out.gdal -c
Démarrage du SIG GRASS ... Exécution de
'/home/kyle/.qgis2//processing/grass7_batch_job.sh' ... ATTENTION: Datum non
reconnu par GRASS et aucuns paramètres trouvés Default region was updated
to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets g.region -d should
be run in each to update the region from the default Projection information
updated ATTENTION: Datum non reconnu par GRASS et aucuns paramètres
trouvés ATTENTION: Over-riding projection check Reading band 1 of 1...
r.external terminé. Link to raster map created. Description: Creates
watershed basins from a drainage direction map. Keywords: raster, hydrology,
watershed Usage: r.water.outlet input=name output=name
coordinates=east,north [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]
Flags: --o Autoriser la sortie à écraser les fichiers existants --h
Afficher le résumé d'utilisation --v Sortie du module en mode bavard --q
Sortie du module en mode silence --ui Force launching GUI dialog Parameters:
input Name of input drainage direction map output Name for output watershed
basin map coordinates Coordinates of outlet point ERROR: r.water.outlet:
Sorry, is not a valid parameter ERROR: r.water.outlet: Sorry, is not a valid
parameter ERROR: Required parameter not set: (Coordinates of outlet point)
ERREUR :Couche raster non trouvée ERREUR :Raster map or group not found
Exécution de '/home/kyle/.qgis2//processing/grass7_batch_job.sh' terminée.
Nettoyage des fichiers temporaires ... Converting outputs Charger les
couches de résultat The following layers were not correctly generated. Basin
You can check the log messages to find more information about the execution
of the algorithm[/code]

Does anyone have an idea of what could be the problem? If you need further
information, do not hesitate to ask me.

Thank you for your understanding,


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