Hi Christian,

If the subscript data is just numbers you can have a look at this post:

As this is a custom expression function it is applicable to labels as well.



On 05/01/2023 13:32, Bodamer, Christian via QGIS-User wrote:
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Hello list,

wish you a happy NEW YEAR!

I like to label with two columns. The secound column sholud be subscript. I activate HTML Formating and use the following code in the Value field:


'<span>%1</span> Sub<span style="vertical-align:sub">%2</span>',

   "column1" ,



The text of column2 is displayed but not subscript. Also <sub>%2</sub> doesn't work.

Changing the color with style="color:red" works. I don't see the mistake.

Does someone has an idea?


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