To Whom it may concern,
Please could I submit the following query: I have managed to load a style for JNCC Phase 1 Habitat Mapping as follows: settings – style manager – share – import – then browse to and select the file. Then I just created a poly, line or point for each habitat and selected the style. Can this be done within a single poly layer or am I correct creating a layer for each style used i.e. amenity grassland, improved grassland. The problem I still have is when digitising over a Google aerial (I used this in preference to Bing because you can zoom in closer) if I move the map all the shape files shift out of place, very frustrating! If you know how to overcome this please could you let me know. I’m sure I will probably come across other problems when I come to creating a layouts and legends etc but will post these queries later. Kind regards Colin *Colin Bonfield BSc (Hons), MSc, MCIEEM * Senior Ecologist *Acorn Ecology Limited* The Granary, Westpoint, Sidmouth Road, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ *T: 01392 366512* *E: <>* * <>* * <>* [image: EMAIL Footer Green.jpg]
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