With regards !
I build qgis source code successfully.
Now, I want to edit the display of coordinates on statusbar on Geographic
(Lat, Long) only not the coordinates of loaded file or project CRS.
If I add a layer of any projected coordinates like UTM/WGS84 coordinates
should be display on status
With Regards!
I am creating a new plugin in python and facing a problem.
If I close plugin by clicking of OK button and open again. It preserve
the memory of function and increase responce one time more at every close.
How can it be resolve.
With regards !
I want to create a python plugin in window 7 qgis 2.18 to open a .chm help
file. what code should I write in plugin created using plugin builder.
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with regards !
can you help me to solve this problem
CMake Error at cmake/FindGEOS.cmake:182 (MESSAGE):
Could not find GEOS
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:198 (FIND_PACKAGE)
with regards !
Pl help to solve this problem
[image: Inline image 2]
[image: Inline image 1]
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