Hello everyone!

I have a point-layer in Postgis v12 which is ST_pointZ according to PostGIS.

When creating a new point in QGIS and then tries to save it, I get an error:

" Column has Z dimension but geometry does not"

When looking in to the object identifier the derived attributes only contains X 
and Y. However, the rest of the points that loads from the database has a 
Z-value set to 0 attached to them. So i get that my created point dosen´t have 
a Z-value.

Isn't it possible to create new data in 3 dimensional tables from Postgis in 
QGIS? Even with a deafult value of 0, I don´t even need to specify the Z-value 
at this moment.

(Found a work around but I prefer not to use this:
If I save the QGIS-project and open the .qgs-file in text editor and look into 
the datasource-tag for the the layer I have:


When changing this to:


saves the project and try to create a new object, it works fine.)


Jakob Götesson
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