Further experimentation suggests that the problem might be one of processing power. I clipped the west coast territorial sea layer to the extent of my Oregon layers. I was then able to intersect the west coast and Oregon territorial sea layers in just a few minutes, as long as I selected the "ignore null geometries" option.

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Morse
Sent: Jan 31, 2018 9:44 PM
Subject: [Qgis-user] Vector Intersection Tool Stalls at 0% (QGIS 2.18.15)

I'm trying to intersect two vector polygon layers in 64-bit QGIS 2.18.15 on an up-to-date 64-bit Windows 7 laptop. The layers are:

1) An Oregon coastal waters layer derived by subtracting an Oregon counties (land only) layer from an Oregon state boundary layer that includes Oregon's territorial waters, both downloaded from http://spatialdata.oregonexplorer.info/geoportal/.

2) A west-coast U.S. territorial seas shapefile downloaded from http://spatialdata.oregonexplorer.info/geoportal/details;id=88d30176ef484fe989d97477c0568f2b and reprojected to CRS 2992 to match the first layer.

My reason for doing this is that layer 1 includes the Columbia River, and I want just the open coastal waters off Oregon. The intersection should eliminate the inner waters. When I start the intersection tool using the Oregon layer as the input layer and the West Coast layer as the intersect layer and click the Run button, the log reads "Algorithm Intersection starting...", but that's as far as it gets. The dialogue box header says "Intersection (not responding)" and the progress bar never gets beyond 0%, even when I leave it running for several hours. I tried switching the order of the layers as input and intersect layer, but this didn't eliminate the problem (I didn't really expect it to.)

Can anyone suggest a cause or cure for this problem? I've found reports of others having problems with intersection, but they are mostly in older versions of QGIS and involve incorrect or empty results, not a total stall out.

Thank you,
Terry Morse

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