Hi all.
This is the final financial report of the 4th hackfest in Wroclaw.
We spent a total of 1863,78 euro for the fest. Only a few developers actually 
for refund of travelling and lodging expenses, therefore much of this was spent 
for food
during the meeting.
During 2010, we obtained a total of 5322.75 euro in donations; this includes 1k 
our bronze sponsors[0], 1k from FOSSGIS Germany, and 1.5k from GFOSS.it; private
donations amounted to 1822.75 euro.
Therefore, at current levels, our activities are sustainable, and we can afford
continuing the partial support to the participation of developers also to the 
Of course higher level of donations will allow us to do more, so everybody is
encouraged to start donating.
A full list of donors is maintained here[1]. If there is any omission, please 
let me
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

[0] http://qgis.org/en/sponsorship/sponsors.html
[1] http://qgis.org/en/sponsorship/donors.html

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