
In my personal desktop I'm using Qgis 2.2 on Ubuntu 14.04. Now, I want to
make some tests with qgis-server on a virtual server that runs Centos 6.5 .

When I try to install Qgis 2.2 and qgis-server, I was surprissed because I
noted that the repos only  allow to install qgis 1.8.

In my real target, I want to test the qgis-server, no the qgis-desktop
itself. So, I want to ask you.  Is possible to prepare maps on qgis 2.2 on
ubuntu, and transfer then all the files to the centos server  with an older
version of qgis-server?.

Or, Is there any reliable way to install repos and qgis2 on centos 6.5?

Thanks in advance.

Augusto Sisa Camargo
Qgis-user mailing list

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