Thank you, Matthias, running the SQL-Code from your references
UPDATE geometry_columns_statistics set last_verified = 0;
SELECT UpdateLayerStatistics('geometry_table_name');
solves my problems and saves me from creating a new name for views, each
time I'd like to update one (which is especially c
Hi xof,
Maybe this is the same issue like this:
Basically, check if this SQL statements helps to "refresh" your view's
On 08/10/2015 03:17 PM, X Of wrote:
> Hi Andrea
> The problem described is
Hi Andrea
The problem described is independent of projects or restarting QGIS. The
problem is always present already in the window for adding a new
spatialite-layer (ctrl-shift-L). There you can get a list of available
fields, when pushing the button for filtering a table ("Set Filter"
Hi xof,
you are using a gis project ?
I guess more probably the explanation could be the qgis that save the
fields name and alias in the project.
If you try to start a new project this happened however ?
2015-08-09 17:41 GMT+02:00 X Of :
> Dear List
> In spatialite, if I renew a view (drop
Dear List
In spatialite, if I renew a view (drop a view and recreate it under the
same name but with different content/fields), QGIS somehow is not
adapting to this new situation. I am not able to re-import the new view
as a layer to QGIS (well, I'm able to re-import, but QGIS only shows the