Hi Geert,

Am 23.05.2013 17:05, schrieb Geert Smet:
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to set up QGIS Web Client on Ubuntu 12.04 but i have a
problem with the search bar on the upper right corner it keeps LOADING…

check in Firebug what's happening in the client

1) created a VIEW (search_address) and seems to be good ? (
…searchstring_tsvector -> '1700':3 '27':2 'sterrenlan':1 )
2) installed modules : python-wsgi,psycopg2 and webob
3)enable mod_wsgi as root butnot with "a2enmod mod_wsgi"-> ERROR: Module
mod_wsgi does not exist!
but with"a2enmod wsgi" -> Module wsgi enabled
Is there a difference between mod_wsgi and wsgi ?
4) configure apache (mod_wsgi)
5) file search.wsgi changed: line18 searchtables =
line77 conn = psycopg2.connect("host?… My settings?.)

Try if your wsgi file returns results
http://yourserver/path-to-my wsgi-scripts/wsgi/search.wsgi?query=YourQuery

If you get an error it should be in the log file

btw did you configure your PostgreSQL server so the QWC server can access it?


6) file GetSearchGeom.wsgi changed: Line22 conn =
psycopg2.connect("host…? My settings?.)

7) file GlobalOptions.js changed:
var useGeoNamesSearchBox = false
var searchBoxQueryURL = "/path-to-my wsgi-scripts/wsgi/search.wsgi?query=";
var searchBoxGetGeomURL = "/path-to-my

Anyone an idea what i am doing wrong ?

Geert Smet

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