On Mon, 29 Jun 2015 12:44:32 -0300, "Fernando M. Roxo da Motta"
<pe...@roxo.org> wrote:

  Just to let you know, for raster and point layers the feature
identification is working as usual.

>   Hi all,
>   Today the update of my installation offered the QGis 2.10 for
> update.  I have installed it, and all the corresponding package
> entourage.
>   I am using a [Xu|U]buntu 14.04.2 64 bits and the Apt source is
> defined as:
> deb http://qgis.org/debian trusty main
>   I don't know if this is the better place to publish any issue before
> I open a ticket.  I prefer to see if any one else are having the same
> issues I am.
>   First of all, the start up of this new version looked blazing fast
> compared to 2.8, absolutely amazing!  Rven the opening of a loaded
> project seemed much faster than before.
>   When I went to the official repository for plugins update, none was
> updated and only one was flagged as invalid, the Contrast homogenizer
> that is registered as supporting up to 2.9 version.
>   The only issue I got so far was about the feature information.  When
> I tried to identify a big polygon (~100sqkm) it says that "no feature
> found at this position", although a zoom to layer knows the position
> and extent of the polygon.
>   The project was originally in an UTM SRC and I tried to change to
> WGS84 at no help.   I changed it to WGS84 Pseudo Mercator and failed
> again.    Just started clicking randomly around a polygon when an
> information window popped up.
>   Trying to understand where and why it worked I figured out that the
> information only worked if the click is close to one of its points,
> no need to be a vertex.  
>   The same hold for line features as well, only close to one of its
> points the feature information window pops up.
>   BFN
>   Roxo


---------------- Non luctari, ludare -------------------+ WYSIWYG
Fernando M. Roxo da Motta <pe...@roxo.org>              | Editor?
Except where explicitly stated I speak on my own behalf.|  VI !!
      ( Usuário Linux registrado #39505 )               | I see text,
------------ Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?-------------+ I get text!
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