Re: [Qgis-user] R: Re: R: Re: How to import a Google map

2014-09-10 Thread ralfwessels
then you probably have 2 Shapes with different coordinate systems - kml is always wgs84 (epsg:4326). You have to enable 'on-the-fly' CRS transformation, then it should fit together. If you need a background map, try the "OpenLayers Plugin". Ther you have the choice between Google, OSM, Apple and s

[Qgis-user] R: Re: R: Re: How to import a Google map

2014-09-10 Thread
Hi, Ralf thanks a lot. I tried to export the map with success. I've just imported the kml file and converted in shp vectors. Now I have the shapefile of points but I can not display the map of my region. So I tried to load a shp of administrative boundaries ( in my possess, clicking on enabling on