Hi folks,
Seems I'm a bit lost trying to style my point layer with rules.
I have 1000 nesting boxes, which have to be controlled for existence and
The boxes get a code from their status: lost, damaged, not controlled
yet, controlled and OK

There are bird and bat boxes, and a column for the box type


-- not controlled yet (code='nk')
  -- BI (typ='BI')
    --type1 (box='type1')

-- lost
  -- BI
    -- type1
... and so  on

For a while during setting this up, the legend and rendering worked as
When I unchecked a type-child, the symbol in the respective category
disappeared, same with unchecking BA or BI, the box-type-children
underneath disappeared.

But at some point, the mechanism broke. Now unchecking a child has no
influence anymore, only toggling the main status category hides or show
the points.
No matter how often I unnested or rearranged the rules, the intended
mechanism did not return.

Is it possible that the style or project file gets corrupted internally,
so it can't be repaired through the GUI?

I really would like not to have to reproduce the hole thing again only
to find myself later at the very same point I am now.

Any ideas or hints for debugging?



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