Re: [Qgis-user] Shapefile at wrong coordinates

2015-05-22 Thread Nicolas Cadieux
Hi, Also you can look at the crs options on the computers. One is probably set up differently then other. Look for the "what do do it the layer has no crs?" On computer is probably set to "use default projection" and the others set to"use project CRS". They should be set to "ask for CRS" in my

Re: [Qgis-user] Shapefile at wrong coordinates

2015-05-22 Thread Siki Zoltan
Dear Barbara, it is probably a projection issue. Check the SRS for both layers on both machine and the SRS for the canvas of QGIS. Are they the same on both machines? If they match, check the definition of the used SRS in the srs.db on both machines. Are they the same? You can find srs.db in t

[Qgis-user] Shapefile at wrong coordinates

2015-05-22 Thread Estevan Barbará
Hello guys At our lab, we've tried to compare a shapefile of island contours with an geotiff of a nautical chart. In some of the working stations, the positions were perfectly matched. But on one station, the shapes are dislocated nearly 6 miles. We've checked the positions in other stations and so