Hi my friends

I would like the help of the group to guide me about an error indicated when 
loading QGIS 3.14.
Use notebook with Windows 10 - 64 bits installed.

I will transcribe every error message reported:

Unable to load add-on 'rastertool' Due to an error when calling the Class 
Factory () method.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyrsgis'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C: / OSGEO4 ~ 1 / apps / qgis /./ python \ qgis \ utils.py", line 334, 
in _startPlugin
    plugins [packageName] = package.classFactory (iface)
  File "C: / Users / RICARDO / AppData / Roaming / QGIS / QGIS3 \ profiles \ 
default / python / plugins \ rastertool \ __ init__.py", line 35, in 
    from .RasterTool import RasterTool
  File "C: / OSGEO4 ~ 1 / apps / qgis /./ python \ qgis \ utils.py", line 743, 
in _import
    mod = _builtin_import (name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
  File "C: / Users / RICARDO / AppData / Roaming / QGIS / QGIS3 \ profiles \ 
default / python / plugins \ rastertool \ RasterTool.py", line 54, in
    from pyrsgis.convert import rastertocsv
  File "C: / OSGEO4 ~ 1 / apps / qgis /./ python \ qgis \ utils.py", line 743, 
in _import
    mod = _builtin_import (name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyrsgis'

Python Version: 3.7.0 (v3.7.0: 1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 
64 bit (AMD64)]
QGIS Version: 3.14.0-Pi Pi, 9f7028fd23

Python Path:
C: / OSGEO4 ~ 1 / apps / qgis /./ python
C: / Users / RICARDO / AppData / Roaming / QGIS / QGIS3 \ profiles \ default / 
C: / Users / RICARDO / AppData / Roaming / QGIS / QGIS3 \ profiles \ default / 
python / plugins
C: / OSGEO4 ~ 1 / apps / qgis /./ python / plugins
C: \ OSGEO4 ~ 1 \ apps \ Python37
C: \ OSGEO4 ~ 1 \ apps \ Python37 \ Scripts
C: \ OSGeo4W64 \ bin \ python37.zip
C: \ OSGEO4 ~ 1 \ apps \ Python37 \ DLLs
C: \ OSGEO4 ~ 1 \ apps \ Python37 \ lib
C: \ OSGeo4W64 \ bin
C: \ OSGEO4 ~ 1 \ apps \ Python37 \ lib \ site-packages
C: \ OSGEO4 ~ 1 \ apps \ Python37 \ lib \ site-packages \ win32
C: \ OSGEO4 ~ 1 \ apps \ Python37 \ lib \ site-packages \ win32 \ lib
C: \ OSGEO4 ~ 1 \ apps \ Python37 \ lib \ site-packages \ Pythonwin
C: / Users / RICARDO / AppData / Roaming / QGIS / QGIS3 \ profiles \ default / 

Thank you in advance for your help.

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