If you want to change the projection of a raster image in QGIS, you need do a
reprojection by using the Raster->Projections->Warp (reproject) command that
sets up and runs the "gdalwarp" command. The "gdal_translate" command only
changes the format of a raster image. You have to use "gdalwarp" to d
If you are using gdal translate with -a_srs "EPSG:4326", you are simply
overwriting the CRS in the file. That is likely messing thing up as the file is
not actually reprojected.
> Le 18 juin 2018 à 03:40, Donald Harter a écrit :
> I started out trying to merge some geotiff topo
I started out trying to merge some geotiff topo maps of a state. I kept
getting results that were all black. It seems that style was palletee
unique values and that merge could not handle that. So I converted them
to multiband color using gdal_translate. Some of the merged topos were
not linin