Dear All,

I now have details of Simon Goodwin's presentation. In his own words:

 "Simon's talk will be a demonstration of creating a fast modern Qdos
set-up, using entirely free software, and how it works, which others
could follow using free or very low-cost 'surplus' hardware; several
operating systems and Qdos emulators will be demonstrated in the
process, along with familiar applications and perhaps a few more 
esoteric or obscure ones.

There will be a competition with a fully-configured Qdos-compatible
system with high-resolution graphics, sound and Internet capability
as the 'prize' - and Simon's talk will explain how that works."

Simon has asked if he could have the 12.00 noon slot and I intend to honour 
that request.

I think you will agree that Simon's contribution in itself would be a good 
reason for attending the workshop, but we are also offering a good attendance 
by traders and other good presenters,

Best wishes,

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