Norman, all,

just again a big „Thanks“ for the book.

I managed to print the whole thing on A4 double-sided and stapled before 
Christmas so I now have a nicely readable book.

It made a fine bedside (and bathtub, sometimes ;) ) reading over the Christmas 
holidays. Unfortunately I’m finished with it now….

I should have all of the original QL Today issues with the articles somewhere, 
but having them all together in one single volume is really great. Thanks again 
and keep up the good work!


> Am 03.12.2014 um 21:42 schrieb Norman Dunbar <>:
> Christmas is coming,
> Norm is getting fat,
> Time to put something,
> In everyone's hat!
> Ok, I'll stop doing the "poetry"!
> Edition 2 of the eMagazine is in progress, there's still time to sign up if 
> you haven't already, but what I have managed to do is take all the previous 
> articles that were published in QL Today over the many years, and merge them 
> together (with George's corrections of course!) into a small PDF book of 
> about 300 odd pages.
> The various ASCII Art diagrams have been redone as "dot" files which then get 
> converted to png images with Graphviz. A nice tool when yo can get your head 
> around it! You describe the diagram you want and it draws it for you.
> All the linked list images and such like have been changed to proper images 
> now.
> The original articles have been run through a tool called db2latex which 
> takes my original source files in Docbook XML format, and spits out a pile of 
> "latex" files (pronounced Lay-tech, as in a Scottish loch as opposed to an 
> English lock!)
> These were modified slightly to add captions etc to the diagrams and (most 
> of) the tables, then typeset with pdfLatex to produce the book you will find 
> at:
> I hope you enjoy it. I know from some of the feedback I've received since 
> March (yes, it really was back in March that issue 1 came out!) that some 
> people wanted a beginners' section. Hopefully this helps!
> Happy (early) Christmas and/or whatever Winter festival you celebrate.
> Cheers,
> Norm.
> -- 
> Norman Dunbar
> Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd
> Registered address:
> 27a Lidget Hill
> Pudsey
> West Yorkshire
> United Kingdom
> LS28 7LG
> Company Number: 05132767
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