Op Sat, 25 Aug 2018 18:45:31 +0200 schreef pjwitte via Ql-Users <ql-users@lists.q-v-d.com>:

Im having a problem with the latest QD (2018). The 'Replace confirmation sub menu' seems to have its colours mixed up. I cant read that menu in any palette!

Since no one else has complained, and I recently made some changes, I was wondering if Im just being confused (again!) But then an older version of QD (2003) seems unaffected, although it too uses the old colourways settings for part of that menu.

If "someone" ;) is going to delve into the innards of QD again to sort this out, could they also tweak the 'resize to full screen' option (DO resize icon) to perhaps leave the current x-size of the window unchanged (as it was in the earlier version)?

Great that this program is now freely available!

First of all, thanks Jochen & Marcel for setting it free. I have enjoyed using QD since '91 and it's the first program I added to QLE, Black Phoenix or my Q68 boot when exploring or customising them.

Like Per I found something changed in this "Replace" confirmation window. Apart from the mixed m4/HC colours, the text to replace is no longer visible in any theme, m4 or HC, I tried. My HC QDvB always uses m4 colours here but at least I can see the text to be replaced.

There are a few more small issues that should be addressed when "someone" updates the code.
Per already mentions the jumpy resize behaviour.
One point I would like to add now, as a Basic programmer, is the DEFine highlight that is not working for FN or FuNction sections. For other points I need to check my notes and test them against this version.


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