>From: Francois Lanciault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Hi Resolution Colour Graphics on a Standard
>I came up with the same trick many years ago, although
>I only implemented the 256 x 256 (two mode 8 screen)
>hi color display.
Hi Francois, that's great. I am glad to read tha
I made simple macro for ImageJ which imports standard QL screens. ImageJ allows
wide range of image processing functions and as well wide range of export
formats (jpeg, tiff...), ImageJ runs on any Java-enabled device (also Psion
QL_View supports both standard screen modes.
ImageJ websi
>> Abandonware is computer software which is no longer being sold or
>> supported by its copyright holder. Alternativeely, the term is also used
>> for software which is still available, but on which further support and
>> development has been deliberately discontinued. Sometimes, it is used as
>> I know I keep harping on about it but take another look at the spectrum,
>> the best emulators for that Fuse (for linux) and Spin (for windows) are
>> both free. Someone can download one of those, then go to the world of
>> spectrum website and download all the applications they need to start
>From: Stephen Usher
>I'm sure assembling SMSQ/e on a 2GHz Athlon 64 box would be a darn sight
>faster than any QL derivative. Once you have SMSQ/e compiled and onto a
>suitable bootable media you can then start copying all the other applications
>across on the target system, as it's now running t
>From: "Daniele Terdina"
>You should disable all interrupts to avoid QDOS writing on the second
>screen.. why would you need to use an interrupt routine?
I need it in order to be synchronized with TV ray. I need to switch screens
every interrupt. Interrupt starts at the beginning of screen refre
>From: Marcel Kilgus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> There are knowledged people willing to share for NO PROFIT.
>Oh well, then we only have to find some of those and we're all good.
>That should be easy ;-)
I didn't say that there are not knowledged people Marcel. You are one of the
gurus here and I res
l, list of improvements, new commands...etc?
Thanks you,
Jan Palenicek (aka osg)
QL-Users Mailing List