I know it's probably not feasible for anyone at the show to setup live
video broadcasting of the event for the rest of the world, but a thought
has been bouncing around and I wanted to share it in case there is anyone
here with experience.

I am contemplating what it would take from a cost perspective and
commitment level for me to ship a couple of cameras and a router and
possibly a little ARM box running linux that required very little setup and
configuration.  Someone  could just set up the cameras in a couple of
spots, wire them to the "home base", and mostly forget it for the duration
of the show.  I would ship a box with these lightweight items, someone
would set them up at the show and keep a weathered eye on them, and at the
end of the show, I'd pay return shipping.

The setup would probably only need a single wired ethernet, permission to
run a private wireless LAN, and just a little bit of web gui time to setup
the box.

Shipping costs aside, sound feasible?  Has anyone seen this done?
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