

fyi Version 0.07.004 of the Ser-USB driver along with its extensions and
add-ons were released for public beta to those who had previously
volunteered this morning.  Those users should already have received e-mails
with the download locations. If not, please contact me directly.


If anyone else is interested in testing the driver, please drop me an e-mail
off list, _but_ note that you will not be able to test the driver without
either a working Ser-USB or a Ser-USB "clone" that you have built with a
USBWiz module of your own.


Beta testing is always a nerve wracking time for the poor bugger who wrote
the software (me) because it represents the moment when your creation, which
you believe to be fully working and as good as you can get it, gets torn to
pieces by "real" users.  In my experience, within 0.5 seconds of issuing the
first EXEC, RUN or LRESPR command, Beta testers usually encounter the most
obvious of bugs; ones that were staring you in the face all along! ;)


In the meantime I am turning my attention to Ser-USB++, a ROM-port, SPI
based version of the hardware that will break the link with the abominable
QL serial ports and should, if it comes together, result in a simpler, more
robust and performant driver.  . but no promises yet.


Best regards





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