When reading the latest QL Today I noticed a very brief mention of the
USBWiz project, so this seems to be an approporiate time to give a brief
update of where things stand.


Firstly, the last six months or so have been hectic and any development has
been impossible, not the least of which being because I and my wife have now
moved to Cornwall and all of my QL stuff is awaiting unpacking from its
storage crates.


Anyway, the current position is this:


1) I have built a prototype USBWiz "Black Box" that contains the USBWiz and
an RS232/TTL serial level converter. This presents two USB ports and one SD
Card slot, several status LEDs and a serial connection to the QL. Power is
via a generic  Maplin 5V PSU intended originally to charge devices via their
USB connection.


2) There is a functioning file manager program, written in TURBO'd
SuperBasic that allows access to FAT formatted SD Cards and USB Drives.
Files may be transferred to and from the QL, and the extended attributes
(i.e. the 64 byte header for executables) is preserved. At the moment the
program operates in character mode, but my plan is to migrate this to the
Pointer Environment very soon. Using an Aurora and a superHermes I have been
able to maintain reliable transfers at 115K.


3) There is a part functioning driver that allows SD Cards and USB Drives
formatted as native QL volumes to be mounted, although the formatting has to
be done with a standalone program. The driver DIR and STAT to function but
is not yet capable of reading/writing complete files much larger than a
couple of K .


. Here is why: The driver is built upon the shell of the QUBIDE ROM, with
its hardware access routines stripped out and replaced with calls to a layer
that sits above the serial driver and processes Sector Read/Write commands
(actually a very simple ATAPI command emulator). Unfortunately, the serial
driver has to operate in Supervisor Mode and so does the USBWiz driver, so
the result is a deadlock. I really need to go back to first principles to
fix this, but just haven't had the time. One solution is to replace the
serial driver with a unified driver that handles normal serial IO as well as
the meta commands to get/put sectors via the USBWiz.


I can't commit to any timescales, but I hope to restart development next
month and had planned an article for submission to QL Today.


So, in summary, this "can" be made to work; the question is whether the
finished product would be fast enough to bring much benefit. I'm in a frame
of mind at the moment that says the best way might be to build a custom
board that plugs into the expansion connector . and that's a whole other
ball game!


Any thoughts or suggestions?




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