Although the official release of the Just Words! GD2 upgrades is programmed
for next weekend at QL2004, they are now available for downloading from my
website. I have done this pre-release to take pressure off me at the show,
because I shall have little time for trading there.

There are two ways of downloading the upgrades:

1: If you possess a lot of Just Words! freeware then go to the file "GD2
freeware upgrades" near the top of the page. This contains the _obj files
only of:


These programs will work with your existing configuration in existing _def
files, although you may need to reconfigure the colours in SOLVIT-PLUS,
STYLE-CHECK and STIJL-CHECK to get the display you want.

2: If you only have a one or two Just Words! freeware program you can
download the individual program files as these also contain the GD2

New on the site are downloadable versions of NL-THESAURUS, STIJL-CHECK and
the USA spellings database for QL-THESAURUS.

A GD2 version of QL-2-PC TRANSFER will be available at QL2004. As this is a
commercial program you will have to produce yor master disc on which the new
version will be saved. You must have the menu_ext extensions installed on
your machine to use the GD2 version of this program.

I hope to upgrade QL-RHYMES and PIN-DOWN to GD2 versions before the end of
the year. AUTO-GRAPH will take a little longer because of the large number
of sprites in the program. Hopefully this will be available early in the new

Best Wishes,
Geoff Wicks

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