Please excuse my use of this forum for the following message to any quanta members who may be monitoring this users list:

With the June/July 2005 issue of Quanta Magazine, those members who normally renew in July will have received a "Renewal Due" letter which requests that you complete the attached form and return it to me with your subscription. Unfortunately, the printer omitted to enclose the form.
   Please follow whichever step is most convenient to you:

1) Please send me your cheque with your full name and address on the back - or write your name and address on the back of the renewal letter and forward it with your cheque to me in the usual way. I will make out the forms upon receipt of your cheque.

2) If you wish to pay by credit card, post your card details to me and I will make a form out on receipt.

3) Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will email you a form to use in the usual way.

4)    Ring me to discuss what to do, on - 0161 - 865 2872

Please accept my apologies and those of the printer for this error and any inconvenience caused.

What we DON'T want you to do is not renew your membership.

Thank you.

John Gilpin.
Quanta Membership Secretary.
QL-Users Mailing List

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