I would like any names and addresses you have of past traders and vendors
in your database.

I would be willing to try and contact them - I do a lot of this on behalf
of the bank for my real job anyway (debt collection!!)

So - what have you got?

Also, if anyone knows the whereabouts of any old software authors, then
please speak up!


Darren Branagh,
Bank of Ireland - Cards And Loans Business,
Nassau House, 33/35 Nassau Street, Dublin 2. Ireland.
Tel: 1850-530-530 Fax: 01-6706813.
Direct Line:- (+353)-1-6176082

BOI Group Data Classification -

                      Tony Firshman                                                    
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                   To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                      Sent by:                                cc:                      
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Subject: Re: [ql-users] Eidersoft 
Drawing Off_ICE                                       
                      22/07/2004 04:35                                                 
                      Please respond to ql-users                                       

On  Thu, 15 Jul 2004 at 18:51:26, Tarquin Mills wrote:

>> I would certainly consider mailing and trying to contact various QL
>> and authors of past works - with a little help of course, as I dont have
>> many recent addresses. I know Tony has a large Database of past QL'ers -
>> could you help here, tony?
Of course - what do you want?


         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
     tony@<surname>.co.uk  http://www.firshman.co.uk
       Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
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