On Wed, Feb 21, 2001 at 11:46:26AM -0800, Rick Updegrove wrote:
> Since I do not have a init.d directory in OpenBSD and it seems everything is
> started from rc.conf and rc.local in OpenBSD how am I to follow LWQ?

I recently set up an openbsd 2.8 box LWQ-style.  The 'qmail' script that
is suggested to be placed in an init.d directory, I put in
/usr/local/sbin.  Then I added the line:

/usr/local/sbin/qmail start

to /etc/rc.local.

> Has anyone recently switched to OpenBSD that was used to LWQ + Linux before
> and if so, do you have any helpful hints, reading material or advice at all?

Nothing really, at least as far as qmail is concerned.  It's running
just as well as it has on my linux boxes.

Aaron Malone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])        "There is no distinctly
System Administrator                  American criminal class...
Poplar Bluff Internet, Inc.              except Congress."
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