well, first, hello.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, though its probably any number of things.  I've been
trying to get this to work for about a week now....
I'm running on RH 7.  Using qmail 1.03.   I first tried using the mail administrator HOWTO
I got from linux.org, then went to trying an RPM (memphis), gave up on both (removed the
rpm), and finally found "life with qmail".  I've read this about a dozen times, plus most of
the FAQs that I know about and seemed to relate to my problems....  I tried to follow LWQM
exactly, but still no avail.  I can send mail out using mail name@domain from command promp.
Any of the mail clients I've tried, the connection seems refused, this includes on the same machine
trying localhost, or using the domain name (nmore.com), or on other machines elsewhere attempting
to access it.  Most of the people who need to use it (about 4) are running windows and using outlook
express.  A couple of them are on machines using the same box as the mail server as their gateway,
via ip masquerading.  I've only moved over to linux for about two months, so some things are not
intuitive to me yet.
instcheck had been saying that my ../bin/sendmail had wrong permissions.  Okay, I saw there
was a sendmail with different permissions in the installation directory so I copied that one over,
now it complains of the wrong group...  don't know if this would cause all the problems or not.
How is this fixed?
Anyway, the guide says to supply as much info as possible.  okay...
my rctphosts:
(yes, I'm using them, so sue me.  The last one is the one that gets put in if I do ./config, even though it says
my server is named nmore.com.  I've put it otherwise using ./config-fast, didn't help, went back and manually
added them)
same as rcpthosts
Since I was able to send (somewhat limited) but not receive, I tried installing pop3d.  This seems to allow the
mail client to listen w/out errors, but doesn't seem to receive non-local mail.
I tried setting up tcpserver after all this (is this different than the ucspi I installed with LWQM?) instead of inetd...
however, my /var/maillog file shows numerous "tcpserver: fata:  unable to bind: address is already used"
mised in with a number 'f "tcpserver: status 0/40", "tcpserver: status 1/40", etc...
I also see a number of "Sorry_Although_I'm_listed_as_best_preference_MX_or_A_for_that_host,/it_isn't_in_my_locals_file"...
messages.  But nmore.com is in my /var/qmail/control/locals file.
lastly, when trying the local connect via telnet to port 25, I get "connection refused".  I somewhat gather that until this
this port can be connected to I will not be able to send mail...
Anyway, I've a ton of problems.  I've already started over 3 times... though not sure how to wipe it clean for a fresh
restart.  I don't know what is wrong, I figure it could be anything from bad DNS (I'm using a 3rd party as my nameserver, they
say it is set up correctly), some kind of permissions off, or something I have no clue about...
Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if it is "go read XXX document"...
Andrew Apold
DBA/programmer (I mainly do php)

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