Hi there.  I recently cut over from sendmail to qmail and have been
very pleased with the results so far.  We seem to only have on problem:
We're getting complaints from customers (so far using only eudora) that
they'll start to download their messages (as little as 5, as many as 200)
and the session will fail with an "Ack!! Child Crashed" message 3 or 4
times before they can get their mail.

I put the poplogger script in the mix, but it doesn't tell me much that's
of any use:

916956264.864208  username: started with:  28 + 1
916956464.729901  username: started with:  28 + 1
916956593.752613  username: started with:  28 + 1
916956624.711091  username: started with:  28 + 1
916956640.591945  username: ended with:  0 + 1

I get nothing else logged.  Has anyone run into this before?  Any ideas
would be greatly appreciated.

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