
We've had qmail working splendid for a while, but
just got a new problem when the free RBL services were
discontinued and there are less sites we refuse based on ip:

Apparently, spammers send mails to nonexistent users and
rely on qmail bouncing this to the reply-to adress. By setting
the reply-to to a suitable adress you get relaying, albeit
wrapped in a qmail bounce-message.

Now, it is of course possible that we configured everything
wrong, so we'll be happy to stand corrected :-)

However, as far as I get it, qmail-smtpd never checks for
users (like e.g. sendmail that bounces on smtpd-level).

I guess we're not the first ones to be hit by this, and
it should be specific to qmail, so what should we do?


Erik Lindahl, PhD                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. Biophysical Chemistry, Groningen University, THE NETHERLANDS
Phone: +31 50 3634335    Fax: +31 50 3634800
(You can also reach me as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Hi! I'm a mutated .sig virus! Put me in ~/.signature to multiply me!

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