
I installed qmail+mysql patch (from here:
http://www.softagency.co.jp/mysql/qmail2.en.html) and everything was
working fine. Today i was playing with maildrop and I don't know how
that happend, but qmail is not working anymore with mysql
authentication. Now it works with /etc/passwd ... The weird thing is
that it is still querying the database and it gets the row with the user
data (i checked the mysql.log) , but for some reason it then looks at
/etc/passwd, does not finds the user  and shows
Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name_(#5.1.1) ....... 

I checked everything, the permissions are ok, the control/sqlserver file
has mysql_use yes attribute , check_host is set to "no" users exist in
the database but why it then looks at /etc/passwd ? I only can mail to
users in /etc/passwd now ... any ideas where to look for this problem?
Also, if the user exists in /etc/passwd why doesn't it even look at
mysql database? this was not exactly i was expecting installing this

Thanks for any help in advance


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