
I've attempted to implement mini-qmail on a firewall here at work. 
After doing the what is
described on the qmail web pages as the prescription for mini-qmail, I
find that sending a test message with qmail-inject exits with a
"communication with server failed (#4.4.2)" error.  
I seem to be getting some sort of connection timeout, yet the qmqpd
server acknowledges some sort of traffic.  The main qmail log is silent,
and no mail is ever received.

I'm attempting to run the mini-qmail setup on a RH 5.2 system (qmail
compiled straight from
1.03 sources + DNS patch) and the qmqpd is running on a RH 6 system
(where qmail is compiled from
Mr. Guenter's src.rpms).  The qmqpservers file on the mini-qmail box
does contain the IP address
and not the hostname of the qmqpd server.  I have also made sure the
permissions on qmail-qmqpc
match those on qmail-queue.  When mini-qmail is in operation, the
firewall is designated as
the MX in the DNS tables.

If there are others out there happily running mini-qmail on their
firewalls to handle incoming
and outgoing mail, I'd appreciate any tips you could offer.

Thanks in advance,
--Tatsuya Murase

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