
I agree wholeheartedly, it's a must to have the desktop covered, but if
you don't try to catch the virii coming in, you'll never have any idea  
about what comes in by mail, as most users will soon not tell you about
it anymore.
I use amavis on the internet connected systems, and inflex on the inside
where I still run sendmail due to the way we distribute the mail to
different servers.
Both use mcafee, and I get a warning the moment something suspicious is
sent by email.
If there's a wave of virii coming in, which has happened, I know what's
going on, I can block that site even, if I want to.

On the other hand, if something happens on a machine that isn't
protected, and something bad gets sent, it'll quite likely get caught
before it goes out onto the 'net. Currently there is no liability on that,
but what if there is ? A mailicious user is all it takes. How many
companies will be happy about being the source of a new virus ?

It doesn't cost me anything extra, we're not that large, it's all
automated and well within the machines' capabilities.
If you can do it, it'll save you lots of worries and work. especially if
your users barely know how to work their machines, let alone handle a
virus warning message :-)

I get at least 2 or more warnings a day on stuff that gets caught, I
think that's been worth the trouble of setting things up.


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