I am having a problem adding new users to my mail server. The mail
server is mail.pds2k.com. When I use the program vadduser to add a user
to the email server I can setup the clients computer to send and recieve
e-mail. The problem is the e-mail goes out but if I send a message from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED] it comes to me (default /
postmaster) and does not go to the end user. If I put a .qmail-newuser
and put in the file
They will now get thier e-mail. It seams as though the place where they
passwords are located is ok 'cause I do not get an error when they try
to authenticate but E-mail to newuser's address does not get to him. I
have a work-around right now but I do not what to do that in the future.

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