Re: OT: Re: sniffing / crypto: Cobain quote

1999-11-21 Thread secu
On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, dd wrote: BTW, Cobain stole that quote. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out from who. I don't think it's 'stealing' to make reference to something.. Anyway, it was obviously Neil Young. -secu

OT: Re: sniffing / crypto: Cobain quote

1999-11-20 Thread Robbie Walker
Def Leppard... Also quoted in "Highlander" by the Kurgan I wonder where they got it? Def Leppard isn't known for the magnitude of their intellect. Robbie " I want my MTV " Walker At 01:14 AM 11/20/99 , you wrote: If you are worried about sniffing, nothing that isn't fully encypted is safe.