Hi there,

We're running qmail on linux with Outlook Express clients on Win95/8
(shudder).  The server works perfectly running POP3 and SMTP, and it now
does user-controlled auto-forwarding (via an email-parsing .qmail generator
=) ).

Unfortunately, now we need a small group of computers to access the same
mailbox, and POP3 is no use to us, as we need to keep all the mail in one
place for this particular account.  I thought that IMAP would be the way to
go on this one (despite not knowing a tremendous amount about mail
protocols) and have been trying to set this up.  I've installed qmail-imap
4.5 beta 2, and this seems to work as I'd like as far as authentication
goes, but it seems to only allow one user at a time.  If one user is
connected, and a second connects, the first user is logged out with an error
message (lost file lock or something similar).

The other solution I tried was the Cyrus IMAP server, but I don't seem to be
able to set this up so that it will return the folder list in outlook.  I
suspect this is mostly due to my lack of experience with IMAP, but I am
unable to find any information on this.

Anyway, if someone has some suggestions or documents to point me to, it
would be greatly appreciated.


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