Hi, I'm using the patch found at members.elysium.pl/brush/qmail-smtpd-auth
to autenticate senders. My problem is that I have to run it (through
inetd) as root, in order for it to work, my inetd.conf has the following

smtp   stream tcp nowait qmaild /usr/sbin/tcpd /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /bin/checkpassword /bin/true

That configuration only works if i substitute qmaild with root. I have
tried chmoding /etc/shadow so qmaild can read it. I've also set so qmaild
can execute /bin/checkpassword.

Now, I know you're supposed to run qmaild through tcpserver nowadays, but
I can't seem to get that to work with another user except from root

Anyone with a clue? The logs don't show anything unnormal as I can see.



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