Manuel Gisbert wrote:
> As there were serveral threads dealing with qmail-smtpd
> and possible ways of encrypting smtp traffic with ssl/tls in the last time,
> someone might have a solution for this prob to:
> vpopmail 4.9
> qmail 1.03
> I use stunnel to encrypt my pop3 traffic.
> Works fine with those popular MS Clients...
> Due to that qmail-popup is always invoked with localip
> which causes vchkpw to add to my tcp.smtp.cdb
> Therefor I loose my capability to allow only selected clients to relay via
> qmail-smtp
> Has anyone ever setup pop3s with dynamic smtprelay
> and if so what might be a possible solution?

How are you starting pop3 for qmail, the actual commands I mean?  Minus
the stunnel I am using vpopmail and qmail and the relaying works fine.


Dale Miracle
System Administrator
Teoi Virtual Web Hosting

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