Hi all,

Thanks for your responses.

I still don't know how duplication actually occurs ;(
but the problem went away :) .

I RTFM a littly more thoroughly - qmail-inject
(I'm sorry I didn't do that more earlier.)
man qmail-inject, quoted, about the 6th line from the top:
  qmail-inject reads a mail message from its standard input..."

duh! (*blush*blush*cough*cough*)

So instead of my old line in that perl script:
  $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t';
I rewrote that to point to qmail-inject:
  $sendmail = '/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject';
and yes! No more dups.

Now I could create about 10000 trash accounts and do
my ball-park figure stress test :).

Hope this resolves someone elses PERL/duplicate agenda.

Thanks again,
 - inching my way up the qmail mountain :)

the way qmail does things (and of course the various packages
related to qmail which I came across) is indeed very interesting.

-- If somebody can help create a search engine for my room,
   I will call them a Saint...
   GUI == Graphical User Interf e r e n c e --- wahhhhhhhh!

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