If you're a secondary MX for a domain, and your system can resolve the MX
record for the domain, but the resolution of the A record for any lower
preference MX entries fails with a soft DNS error (e.g. timeout), qmail
bounces the message as best-preference-MX-without-further-instructions.

$ dnsqr mx mail.test.sub-rosa.com
15 mail.test.sub-rosa.com:
94 bytes, 1+2+0+0 records, response, noerror
query: 15 mail.test.sub-rosa.com
answer: mail.test.sub-rosa.com 0 MX 0 mx.timeout.test.sub-rosa.com
answer: mail.test.sub-rosa.com 0 MX 100 spool.mail.sub-rosa.com

$ dnsqr a mx.timeout.test.sub-rosa.com
1 mx.timeout.test.sub-rosa.com:
temporary failure

$ dnsq a mx.timeout.test.sub-rosa.com
1 mx.timeout.test.sub-rosa.com:
timed out

| Return-Path: <>
| Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Received: (qmail 32495 invoked for bounce); 19 Oct 2000 14:23:00 -0000
| Date: 19 Oct 2000 14:23:00 -0000
| Subject: failure notice
| Hi. This is the qmail-send program at califia.sub-rosa.com.
| I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
| addresses.
| This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
| Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host,
| it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as local. (#5.4.6)
| --- Below this line is a copy of the message.
| Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Received: (qmail 32488 invoked by uid 1000); 19 Oct 2000 14:21:37 -0000
| Date: 19 Oct 2000 14:21:37 -0000
| From: "Michael Handler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: test
| test

Looking through qmail-remote.c, it becomes apparent that in this situation,
dns_mxip() only returns the IP addresses & preferences that it could
resolve completely, with no indication that there were additional lower
preference MX records that were omitted due to soft DNS errors. Thus, when
qmail-remote walks through the list of addresses, it finds itself as the
best-preference MX for the domain, and attempts to handle the mail locally.
Empirical testing bears this diagnosis out:

$ src/qmail-1.03/dnsmxip mail.test.sub-rosa.com 100

Scenarios that would run afoul of this are not difficult to imagine: if
domain example.com has MX 0 mx.provider.net and MX 100
spool.mail.sub-rosa.com, and mx.provider.net has a lower TTL than the MX
for example.com, and provider.net's nameservers are unreachable when my
dnscache tries to go resolve mx.provider.net... I think I'm starting to see
why Dan's DNS software encourages using all in-name zones; though even that
is vulnerable if the TTL on the A record is lower than the TTL on the MX

Note that I don't consider this a problem for hard DNS failures, e.g. an MX
record that points at a hostname that authoritatively doesn't exist; that's
what the smtproutes functionality is for. However, I think it's reasonable
for qmail to not bounce messages based on soft DNS failures.

Searching the archives, I note that Chuck Foster noted this problem
waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1997:


It seems to me that the best way to address this is to have dns_mxip return
the full MX list set, with the IP address set to null or for A
records that could not be successfully resolved, and have qmail-remote.c's
for loop skip those MX entries. This would result in temp_noconn() for
these situations, rather than perm_ambigmx().

Note that all of the *.test.sub-rosa.com entries mentioned here exist, and
the tests were done live, with no post-production touchups. Feel free to
poke at my DNS and SMTP servers if you want to do your own tests.



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